Praying Boldly: Embracing God's Plans and Expecting the Extraordinary

When you pray, do you pray with boldness and ask for the extraordinary, or do you hold back, afraid to make big requests?

One of the reasons I love reading the book of Psalm is because it allows me to breathe in the immense size and boldness of David's prayers. His prayers are like poetry, filled with boldness, intensity, vulnerability, fear, and vivid imagery.

It's like watching a captivating ballet performance, with its highs and lows, anxieties, tears, peace, and tranquility. Sometimes David is overwhelmed by fear, but he always manages to bring it back to a place of beauty, worship, and complete trust in God.

David paints a picture of God's love that is truly unparalleled. Just imagine a man who could write such powerful and impactful words. I often wonder what he must have been like in person, having a face-to-face encounter with him. God Himself described David as a man after His own heart.

David wasn't afraid to be vulnerable with God. He didn't shy away from recognizing his own weaknesses, and he never failed to acknowledge the magnificence and grandeur of our Creator, Jehovah. He approached God with humility and awe, realizing the incredible relationship he had with the Almighty.

Why do we limit God?

Why are we afraid to pour our hearts and desires before the Lord? We have the creator of the universe on our side! The sustainer of all things!

God has incredible plans in store for our lives and our future.

It's important to remember that even when things don't go exactly the way we want them to, it doesn't mean that God's
not with us. Just look at David's life - he faced some monumental trials and challenges. But you know what? Those trials taught him to trust and rely on God even more. They became the building blocks of his strength and faith.

Some of David's most powerful prayers and moments of spiritual growth happened during those difficult times when he was under immense stress.

I don't want to limit God or confine Him to a neat little box on a shelf. No, I want Him to be my solid rock, the one I think about every waking moment. I want Him to be my ultimate prize at the finish line and my source of strength throughout the entire race of life!

We serve a Mighty, Magnificent God, and that means we can pray bold and audacious prayers!

And you know what's amazing? When we do, we get to witness God doing incredible things, like parting the waters and making a way where there seems to be no way!

So let's not hold back in our prayers and expectations. Let's pray BIG and watch as God works wonders in our lives!



Reflecting On All the Joy - Life is Pretty Amazing