"Have you ever felt trapped by fear, convinced there was no way forward? We've all had moments where worry takes hold, where doubt whispers that hope is lost. But what if, instead of being paralyzed by fear, we chose to trust in God's greater plan?

If you're facing an impossible situation, hold fast to His promises. God is still parting seas, still making a way, and still calling us to trust in Him. Stand firm, stay faithful, and watch as He leads you into His miraculous provision."

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Lorenda Rae Lorenda Rae

Who’s holding the pieces of your life?

Have you ever looked at a puzzle and felt like there was just one piece missing? It feels like there's something missing…something that would make everything fall into place.

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Lorenda Rae Lorenda Rae

Three ways to Pray to Lift your heart to Jesus

The world can seem like a dark place sometimes. It is easy to focus on the bad that is going on and feel overwhelmed. But today we are going to focus on good things. We are going to focus on the light and love found only in Jesus Christ

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Lorenda Rae Lorenda Rae

God's Neon Sign: Prayer

TRUSTING in God in ALL things.Even with blurry eyes, I TRUST him to HOLD my hand to guide me. The key here, is PRAYER. God speaks through his scripture and he speaks to our hearts when we pray.

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Lorenda Rae Lorenda Rae

Diet Resolutions-Let’s Get Shredded!!

The first week of January is “Diet Resolution week” A week to get on track with our food and exercise. Shed some of that holiday fluff and “Get back in shape”

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