Searching for Joy?
Studies are showing higher than normal rates of anxiety and depression due to Corona 19 lockdowns. It’s also likely you feel some worries and fears and wonder what tomorrow will bring next.
Gonna Wash that Sin Right Outta My Hair!
God allows the pain and hurt in our life to “bleach” out the sinful, carnal ways we are naturally born with. Because of the pain, we are able to see our sins and our need for Christ.
Being grateful — God is always working on our behalf.
Seems I have always felt the presence of God in my life, even when I wasn’t living a life of obedience. I always knew He was there, and He seemed to be guiding and protecting me.
Fisher’s of Men - What does your boat look like?
Toss it all into the sea, let go and give it to God. Just like Peter, who left his boat and all those fish when Christ said, “Come follow me and you will be fishers of men!“ (Mark 1:17, Matthew 4:19)
Negative Self-Talk
I feel like negative self-talk is the story of my life. The negative voices in my head tell me I’m ugly, I’m not smart enough, I’m not talented enough, I’m not worthy of being loved and appreciated.
God’s Faithfulness
Think about those times when you saw God's faithfulness. Time and time again, God has been faithful in my life. Even during life's greatest hardships.