Faith Over Fear
With God by her side, and his strength sewn into her heart and her mind, she went to the king and bravely called to him.
You are God’s Masterpiece
Just like wheat which has endless and unique possibilities -we also may never know who we truly are unless we let God harvest us and transform us!!
Thank you Jesus for Setting me FREE!
What has God set you free From? Drugs and alcohol? Gossip? Smoking? Toxic Relationships? Low Self-Esteem? Anxiety and Depression?
What’s for Dinner?
We tend to do that with our thoughts as well. We “Stew” over the things we choose to hang on to. We toss our failures into the pot, our hurts, all the nasty things that people have done to us...and we keep stirring up the pot and letting it fester and heat up…..
The Heart of the Matter
God love’s you and desires to help you break down those walls and layers, he wants to reach the inner core where nobody sees, where nobody else understands, where nobody else can bring healing and growth. God wants to break through that crust and get to the heart of the matter and help you realize your true identity and purpose.
Does God have a plan for your life?
God will use those interests and passions to glorify his name when we give those dreams to him! He gives those desires ‘MEANING AND PURPOSE'
A grateful heart is a happy heart!
Maybe you’ve heard the quote “It’s not happy people who are thankful,
It is thankful people who are happy.”
Counting our blessings and being grateful in ALL situations is not always easy.
Strength for the Battle!
Do you feel like you are in the middle of a BATTLE? Ephesians 6:12 says our struggle (or battle) is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Racing PAST the Finish Line
I was listening to a fitness instructor talk about how when she works out, she wants to go a little past the finish line. She doesn’t stop just before or AT the finish line, her sights are set BEYOND the finish line.
Adopted into God’s Family
At this time of Thanksgiving and the holidays, families gather together to share their love for one another. They are all separate and unique, yet part of the same family, the same name. How wonderful it is as well, that in Christ we are all also part of the same family. We share his name.